Plastic Terminator Sprue pics!

We get a Contemptor Dread and Cataphracti Termies in the new Horus Heresy Boxed Set!

From Spikey Bits:

So right off the bat, note the 2014 copyright on the sprues.  GW have been planning on rolling out 30K for a long while. Also let’s be brutally honest here.  There is NO WAY NO HOW Games Workshop would invest the hard cash to make plastic Cataphractii Terminators and a Contemptor Dread on plastic sprues just to promote a boxed boardgame. They have bigger plans for this range.

Onto the models.  The Cataphractii have ball and socket waists, and I think the arms attach flush with the torso, but can be rotated as desired snugly under the barrel shoulderpads before being glued in place. That should provide good posing options for hobbyists. There are over 20 arms for the 5 models, so there are tons of build options including lightning claws, heavy flamer, powersword, powerfists and chainfists in addition to the combi-bolters. Most importantly we get all the shoulder and groin pteruges we expect from our Cataphractii.

The Contemptor is a great deal with solid weapon options.  It gives you out of the box options for CCW/AC, CCW/MM, and even AC/MM builds with some simple conversion work.  Better yet, swap weapons with a friend for the AC/AC, MM/MM, CCW/CCW loadouts. You won’t get the full “action figure” posing options the resin Forgeworld Contemptor gets, but there has to an up-sell option after all.

Thanks to Rob at Spikey Bits for all his great work!
