Hi guys - sorry for dropping off the face of the planet for the last 6 months...a combination of work, wedding planning and a Destiny addiction hasn't left much (any) time for hobbling. That being said, there was no way I would be missing out on the Blog Wars X - so on to my list:

Abaddon 265

10 CSMs 
2 Plasma Guns 30
Rhino 35
Havoc 12
10 CSMs  140
2 Plasma Guns 30
Rhino 35
Havoc 12
5 CSM Termis 157
4 Power Fists 28
3 Obliterators 210
Mark of Nurgle 18
3 Obliterators 210
Mark of Nurgle 18
3 Obliterators 210
Mark of Nurgle 18
20 Cultists 90
20 Cultists 90
Helbrute 100
Multi Melta
Power Fist
Total  1848

Not the most original list (pretty much the same as my BW7-9 lists) but I have to put that down to three things:

1. Lack of time to do anything else (I am struggling to get 3 Obliterators finished in time).
2. I have no idea what's happening with the world of 40k right now - from the half eye I have kept on the meta it seems the world is full of insane formations, so I have chosen something at least I am familiar with (also - my Obliterators are always the last unit standing at the end of the game, so why not more?).
3. The Chaos Space Marine codex is pretty sucky and I'm not about to start anything else.

Fingers crossed I do slightly better than BW9 (it shouldn't be hard seeing as I actually have some units this time).

See you all there!