I played in a local tournament yesterday - 1500 points - with a new hybrid list I've developed that is not a Thunderdome list either and I think it can match up well versus the new Tau. As you scroll through the army you'll notice it's not Thunderdome. : )

Here is the new army list:

+++ Ravenwing & Space Wolves (1500) +++

++ Dark Angels: Codex (2015) (Ravenwing Strike Force) (945) ++

+ Fast Attack (495) +

Ravenwing Black Knights (200)
4x Black Knight - Bolt pistol - Corvus Hammer - Frag and Krak Grenades - Plasma Talon - Teleport Homer

Ravenwing Black Knights (200)
4x Black Knight - Bolt pistol - Corvus Hammer - Frag and Krak Grenades - Plasma Talon - Teleport Homer

And They Shall Know No Fear
Gets Hot
Grim Resolve
Hammer of Wrath
Hit & Run
Rapid Fire
Skilled Rider

Ravenwing Black Knight: Unit Type: Bike


Ravenwing Huntsmaster: Unit Type: Bike (Character)


Ravenwing Darkshroud (95) - Assault Cannon

Deep Strike
Icon of Old Caliban

|BS:4|Front:10|Side:10|Rear:10|HP:3| Type:Fast, Skimmer

+ Elites (250) +

Ravenwing Command Squad (250)
5x Black Knight - Bolt pistol - Corvus Hammer - Frag and Krak Grenades - Plasma Talon - Teleport Homer
Ravenwing Apothecary
Ravenwing Company Banner

And They Shall Know No Fear
Feel No Pain
Gets Hot
Grim Resolve
Hammer of Wrath
Hit & Run
Rapid Fire
Rending, Scout
Skilled Rider

Ravenwing Apothecary: Unit Type: Bike (Character)


Ravenwing Black Knight: Unit Type: Bike


Ravenwing Company Banner:
Automatically pass hit&run tests and roll 4D6 for distance rather than 3D6. All friendly models within 12" reroll failed moral-, fear- or pinning tests.

+ HQ (200) +

Sammael (200) - Iron Halo

Grim Resolve
Skilled Rider

Warlord Trait:
Rapid Manoeuvre

Corvex (Jetbike) - Bolt pistol - Frag and Krak Grenades - Raven Sword - Teleport Homer - Twin Linked Storm Bolter

Eternal Warrior
Gets Hot
Hatred (Chaos Space Marines)
Hit & Run
Independent Character
Swift Vengeance
Twin Linked

Sammael on Corvex: Unit Type:Unique, Jetbike (Character)


Wolves preparing to slaughter Necrons...

++ Space Wolves: Codex (2014) (Allied Detachment) (555) ++

+ HQ (180) +

Wolf Lord (180) - Belt of Russ - Melta Bombs

Acute Senses
And They Shall Know No Fear
Independent Character

Runic Armour - Frag & Krak Grenades - Power Fist - Storm Shield

Wolf Lord (Runic Armour): Unit Type: Infantry (Character)


+ Elites (115) +

Arjac Rockfist, Grimnar's Champion (115) - Relics: Anvil Shield & Foehammer - Terminator Armour

Acute Senses
And They Shall Know No Fear
Eternal Warrior
Grimnar's Champion
Hammer of Wrath
Independent Character
The Anvil of Fenris

Arjac Rockfist: Unit Type: Infantry (Character)


Anvil Shield:
3++ Invul Save - Eternal Warrior - Hammer of Wrath

Foehammer (Melee):
Range:-|Strength:x2|AP:2|Type:Melee, Concussive, Unwieldy|

Foehammer (Ranged):
Range:6|Strength:x2|AP:2|Type:Assault 1, Concussive|

+ Troops (260) +

Grey Hunters (260) - 6x Close Combat Weapon - Wolf Standard

Acute Senses
And They Shall Know No Fear

Drop Pod - Storm Bolter

6x Grey Hunter - 5x Bolt Pistol - 4x Bolter - 6x Frag & Krak Grenades - Plasma Gun - Plasma Pistol - Power Axe

Wolf Guard Pack Leader - Frag & Krak Grenades - Frost Axe (20pts), Power - Storm Shield

Grey Hunter: Unit Type: Infantry

Wolf Guard Pack Leader: Unit Type: Infantry (Character)

Drop Pod:
BS:4|Front:12|Side:12|Rear:12|HP:3|Type:Open ToppedTransport|

++ Roster Rules ++

First Huntsman (Ravenwing Strike Force):
May reroll your roll on the Warlords Trait table

Objective Secured (Allied Detachment):
Warhammer 40k rulebook

Speed of the Raven (Ravenwing Strike Force):
On the first turn of the unit, units count as jinking if they moved flat-out or turbo-boosted. May fire their weapons normally in the following turn.

Strike as One (Ravenwing Strike Force):
All units in this Ravenwing Strike Force must be placed either in reserve or deployed as normal. When placed in reserve, all units automatically arrive in your 2nd turn.

++ Selection Rules ++

Acute Senses:
If a unit contains at least one model with this special rule, and that unit arrives on a random table edge (due to Outflank, or other special rules), then you can re-roll to see which table edge they arrive from. (Warhammer 40k rulebook)

Feel No Pain:
Ignore unsaved wounds on a 5+, treat it as saved wound. Does not work against Destroyer or Instant Death.

Grim Resolve:
A model with this rule has Stubborn and therefore ignores negative Leadership modifiers. In addition they may never choose to fail a morale check. Allows overwatch to be resolved at BS2.

Grimnar's Champion:
Arjac Rockfist must issue and/or accept a challenge whenever possible. In addition, he re-rolls all failed To Hit rolls when taking part in a challenge.

Hatred (Chaos Space Marines):
Reroll all misses in the first round of each close combat.

Hit & Run:
Take an Initiative test at the end of the assault phase, if successful choose a direction and roll 3D6, move that far ignoring all models in base contact. If this would take you within 1" of another unit, stop 1" away. Ignore Difficult Terrain, but make Dangerous Terrain tests normally. Enemy units left makes an immediate D6" consolidation.

Icon of Old Caliban:
All friendlies within 6" have Fear and Stealth. Units beginning their assault phase within 6" are not subjective to Overwatch.

Swift Vengeance:
Sammael may fire up to two weapons.

The Anvil of Fenris:
Arjac Rockfist can only join a unit of Wolf Guard or Wolf Guard Terminators. If Arjac Rockfist is included in a Detachment that includes at least one unit of either Wolf Guard or Wolf Guard Terminators, he does not take up a slot on the Force Organisation Chart.

Warlord Trait: Rapid Manoeuvre:
Your Warlord and his unit can add 3" to their maximum move distance when they move Flat Out, Turbo-boost, Run and make charge moves.

The slaughter commences !

I won all three games versus Blood Angels with an Imperial Knight, Necron Decurion and finally White Scars Gladius Strike Force. The last two games were hard fought too. I really like having a Wolf Lord and Arjac together in a drop pod - hard to kill and they pretty much destroyed anything they touched. They work together very well with the Black Knights and Sammael. I actually forgot to use the Darkshroud yesterday... Lol !

At 1850 points I'd add a Ravenwing Support Squadron which has lots of fire power and buffs the rest of the army.