Hey guys thought I would do a wee blog post discussing my choice of Horus Heresy Legion: The Imperial Fists. So the reasoning for my choice was actually pretty simple, I’m rubbish at painting yellow and black properly so I’m going to paint a whole army of it! Also from a story/fluff point of view I really like the Imperial fists (Polux and Sigismund in particular are very cool characters and amazing models) so it fitted well. Also Andy is going Iron Warriors so we have a perfect rivalry to set our games to and “Forge the Narrative”!

The next bit is a bit trickier and will likely take a few iterations before I settle on it: What company scheme will I go for? I quite like the idea of a more evenly distributed Yellow/Black mix so I might try and balance that with one of the below veteran schemes. Will be mixing in gun metal silver to balance and accents of bronze and light tan stone for details. I think might make blue my power/eye slit colour as it should contrast with the yellow well but that would clash/look rubbish with red if I use it…. So bit of a dilemma!

With regards to yellows I plan to do a much more muted colour as I am not a fan at all of the bright “primary” yellow that GW used to paint Imperial fists. Instead I will building up to white (almost NMM) on my yellows and washing with sepia. I will also be trying some wreathing/chips on the armour to look like my imperial fists have crushed an enemy (iron warriors) fortification.

I plan to also use a lot of transfers which is also new for me to use on a large scale so that will be interesting and learning curve! Might pick up the forge world Imperial Fists transfer sheet to help me out as have heard they are awesome!

Basing is also an area of some testing, I’m going to try and do a ruined city theme with bits of rubble, twisted metal and discard weapons. Not entirely sure how I will survive without using ALL the tufts (PURPLE HEATHER NO MORE!) but I’m going to at least make a concerted effort!

Sooooo combining this all into one project will be my first test model for the #HobbyHeresy #PaintingChallenge (Challenge Linky!­­) by painting a Forge World Legion Praetor in Artificer Mk III armour(FW Praetor Link!), super excited to get started!