So (very!) late last night I managed to finish my speed painted necron army for Winter War. It’s been quite a slog but in the grand scheme of things painting 2400 -3000ish points of Necrons in just over a month (rough 20 hours of painting  I estimate) is pretty good and I’m quite happy with the finished army. Definitely not my best quality work but probably my best speed painted army. Very excited to add to it (I have about another 2000pts half painted and 1000pts unbuilt) and plan to grow this army large enough that I can field any choice in the book in a decent quantity. Plan to break down into slightly smaller blocks of troops to batch paint (eg all the flyers in one batch, all the destroyers in one batch etc etc) but will still likely do the basing for the whole remainder of the army in one go.

Let me know what you think of the army, have you speed painted an army before?

Anyway here’s my list again for tomorrow at Winter War, really looking forward to playing Calum and having a laugh game 1 and meeting new people for the rest of my games.

Reclamation Legion
• Nemesor Zahndrekh (Warlord)
• 10 Immortals: Tesla Carbines
• 10 Immortals: Tesla Carbines
• 10 Immortals
• 10 Lychguard
• 4 Tomb Blades
• 10 Warriors
• 10 Warriors
• 10 Warriors

Canoptek Harvest
• 1 Canoptek Spyder
• 3 Canoptek Wraiths: 3× Whip Coils
• 3 Canoptek Scarabs

Canoptek Harvest
• 1 Canoptek Spyder
• 3 Canoptek Wraiths: 3× Whip Coils
• 3 Canoptek Scarabs

1,850 points