While the Dusk Wolf test was drying I worked a little more on the Wraithblade. I've been working on him here and there for awhile. I've been working on the brush blending on his and I think he is looking pretty cool so far. I want him to have a little OSL glow affect.
 The light is coming from the back wall section and the axes. I'm still working on the blue blends but they are coming along. The bone also needs to get blended, I haven't done very much with that yet.

This hobby year I really want to play with different techniques and this is one I've been wanting to screw around with. Lighting effects can make a very cool look.. So besides a lot of weathering this year I also want to work with other advanced techniques. Since playing time is much hard to come by for me these days I'll be concentrating on painting .. I hope 8)