It's been a hectic week but I did get the new Dusk Wolf test model wrapped up. I could have done more but since I had already started adding the muck it would be tougher to go back in. I think he came out looking pretty cool. The final models I might blend the highlights a little more .. I just don't want the highlights to be too much. It seems to break it out of the grimy look.
 I also think the look needs a little spatter and some streaking.. just hear and there. Though overall I like the amount of muck on him ..
 I did do a little blending on the reds.. adding in the wings and some on the arm and eyes.
My box of Betrayal at Calth came in along with some of the Forgeworld stuff I ordered so I'll have a bunch of old school models to be working on. I've been cutting a bunch of stuff so haven't had the time to work on more sadly but hopefully I can get some more work done this week and weekend.