So my lovely wife bought me the most wanted game of the year (arguably) for Xmas.

I naturally am a very lucky guy however this joy is somewhat tempered as I was only allowed to rummage around to see what was in the box and now it is sitting out of reach tauntingly, waiting for wrapping and placing under the tree next week.

All I have to tide me over the next month are these pictures hurriedly taken.

So now my task is to decide what to do with this amazing gift.

The previous post was a taster of a promising Nightlords Pre-Heresy Army. I want to paint the model with my wash/glazing technique which was used on my Knights of Blood Librarian model earlier to good effect.

However after gazing at the Cataphractii Terminators I see they would make a great fit as Sons of Horus (another army I love) Justaerin Terminators....decisions decisions. I did try a test model of the  First Company Marines which I am very happy with.

Then there is the posing of the Contemptor Dreadnought to mull over.

While I am doing all my agonizing, tell me what you guys are doing or want to do.
