Now that the Betrayal at Calth boxed set is out and plastic Horus Heresy miniatures are more affordable, many Space Wolves players have been busy converting these new plastic miniatures - and asking "How will Space Wolves play in the Horus Heresy?"

(Also, I wanted to share some photos of the amazing conversions that keep appearing on my Facebook feed.)

Well, if you're thinking about playing Horus Heresy, NOW is the time to start working on your Space Wolves army.

More of the Same

Because the majority of Space Marine Legion units are fairly similar, including the tanks, dreadnoughts and flyers, it's very safe to start collecting your Horus Heresy Space Wolves army right now.

Each Legion has its own special rules (think Space Marine Chapter traits made EXTREME) and a small selection of units and characters only available to them.

So EVERYONE gets access to the same core of units, such as Legion squads, Spartan Land Raiders, Fire Raptor Gunships, Sicaran Battle Tanks, Contemptor Dreadnoughts, etc.

If you want to start your Horus Heresy Space Wolves, I suggest building some of the core units that every Legion has access to.

Legion Squads, Terminator Squads and Contemptor Dreadnoughts - basically the Betrayal at Calth starter box, plus any of the vehicles.

Then you'll have plenty of units to form the core of your army before Leman Russ, Space Wolves special terminators, special elites and special characters are released.


Forge World is dealing with the range of miniatures in a uniform way.

No one is special.

Not even your Space Wolves.

So you'll get a Legion upgrade kit to make your MKIV Marines look 'wolfy'.

The you'll get Leman Russ, Space Wolves special terminators, special elites and special characters are released.

That's it!

It's not a lot.

So...with this in mind, we can address the need for minimal bling.

Rather than buy the Forge World Space Wolves upgrade kit many times, I would suggest buying a plastic Warhammer 40,000 Space Wolves boxed set and using the accessories to make your Horus Heresy marines 'wolfy'.

You get SO MANY accessories in this box - knives, wolf tails, cloaks, back banners, loads of bare heads and all kind of weapons.

Not to mention alternative torsos, back packs and hero harnesses (the extra armour that clips in front of the belt) which can be used to make your Legion squad Sergeants really stand out in style.

One last thing - Make sure you get 2 of the Betrayal at Calth Contemptor Dreadnoughts. Then you can give one of them 2 of the uber Assault Cannons and the other one 2 Powerfists.

So if you're sitting there pondering whether or not you really want to get in on the Horus Heresy action - Don't worry, you can jump right in with confidence and get your Heresy on!

To finish, here are some Horus Heresy Space Wolves I was working on back in 2009!

It's amusing to think that this simpler style of miniature (with far less bling) could become the standard for Horus Heresy Space Wolves.