Really enjoying building the models from the Betrayal at Calth box set. While the power armoured marines were a treat, the real star of the set for me has got to be the plastic Cataphractii. I'd planned on using them to whip up a unit of Lernaean terminators, so with a quick order to FW for the Volkite chargers and a bit of work with an x-acto knife we're good to go!
The set comes with tons of weapon options, but following the lacklustre performance of my last Thousand Sons terminators armed with power weapons, I knew from the outset that this unit would have plenty of power fists and chainfists (hands down my favorite melee weapon in the 40k universe). After this are some Headhunters and a scout squad left to build, but I realized I didn't order enough bases - gotta wait for the next package from Secret Weapon to arrive. Curses!
Heresy Era Alpha Legion – Lernaean Terminator squad built
by Mordian7th | Nov 23, 2015