Hey guys, super quick post to show my speed painted necron flyers (DoomScythes/NightScythes). I speed painted these over a few nights, after they had been sprayed and washed there was not very much I needed to do! These only took a few hours to complete and now have given me another formation to play with my Decurion Necrons: The Doom Bringer Flight.

This cheeky we combo gives me immunity to crew shaken and crew stunned (a big thing on flyers as it can mean they fly off the board by accident and in the Doomscythe instance I can still fire my death ray as shaken means I have to snap fire which you can’t do with blast weapons) for being in a Decurion. Additionally all enemies within 12” of two or more Doomscythes suffer -1 leadership which can be very tasty with a lot of shooting! Also once one doomscythe shoots at a target with its death ray, all other doom scythes shooting at the same target gain +2 Ballistic skill (putting them up to BS6!!!) which is massive on a scattering blast template, average of 1” scatter and so very, very likely to hit your initial target with a Strength 10 Ap1 armourbane lance attack lol!