Now that the plastic Marines are among the Horus Heresy miniatures range I was curious to test how they would fit in. All told I am mostly satisfied I have to say. One can notice only a slight difference as the plastic legs are a bit more massive than the resin ones. But since I mix different power armour marks I don’t mind small distinctions within the Marines’ ranks at all. Actually I think it supports the heterogenous look which I appreciate.
Considering Veterans I’ve always prefered two different ways to create them. One being the experienced, war-torn Space Marine mostly looking like a regular Marine but with more equipment or other slight modifications that let’s him clearly stand out. I went for option two as I used the Sons of Horus upgrade kits exclusively on them. I had the mind setting of the Legions in my head which differs a lot from the ideals of the standards for a 40K-Chapter. “Back then” it was a good idea to supply the most valued troops with the newest/advanced equipment possible. If you take a look at the Reaver Squads you can see that the Sons of Horus used experimental types of armour and I think going for something similar with the Veterans is quite a good idea.
The “Betrayal at Calth” box only has Legion Veterans yet they mostly look like ordinary Marines (minus the grenades and huge combat blades maybe). As you might have already guessed I’m not a fan. So I had to use the Forge World upgrade kits exclusively on them.
Due to the fact that I am going to convert the whole box I am now in need of a second Legion Veteran squad.

The resin upgrade kits and the brass etch from Forge World work quite good on the plastic Marines.

The resin upgrade kits and the brass etch from Forge World work quite good on the plastic Marines.

I was in need of two new Legion Veterans to complete my first squad.

I was in need of two new Legion Veterans to complete my first squad.

One heavy weapon - a rocket launcher and a Veteran bearing a Vexilla of the 16th Legion.

One heavy weapon – a rocket launcher and a Veteran bearing a Vexilla of the 16th Legion.

Here you can see the two new plastic Marines next to a resin only Marine.

Here you can see the two new plastic Marines next to a resin only Marine.

The first Legion Veteran squad for the first mission of "Betrayal at Isstvan III". You are free to chose the squad's equipment (using magnets is very helpful here again).

The first Legion Veteran squad for the first mission of “Betrayal at Isstvan III”. You are free to choose the squad’s equipment (using magnets is very helpful here again).