Phil has been running our local RTTs for some time now, and after I saw the logo he had commissioned for the event, I knew I left it in capable hands.
The tournament will be on January 23-24, 2016 at Huzzah Hobbies in Ashburn, VA. It is a 5 round event, at 1850 points, and will be ITC format. Entry fee is $40. Pre-registration is preferred, there are only 32 spaces. So please email Phil at elphilo40k (at) gmail dot com for Paypal instructions or you can pay in person at Huzzah Hobbies to secure your space.
Information on the ITC format is located here, as well as the ITC FAQ.
The event schedule is as follows:
- 9:00 am Check-In
- 10:00 am Round 1
- 1:00 pm lunch (and paint judging)
- 2:00 pm Round 2
- 5:15 pm Round 3
- 8:30 am doors open
- 9:00 am Round 4
- 12-1230 pm lunch
- 12:45 pm Round 5
- 4:00 pm Award Ceremony
We will be releasing the painting rubric very shortly.
I look forward to seeing some of you there!