Just about everyone who follows the blog knows how much I rely on Secret Weapon products for just about everything!  The washes, basing materials, terrain pieces, and even miniatures.

These RAV 6 x 6 vehicles are favorites of mine.  They can be used for any kind of vehicle, since there are 10 different gun options.

The kit comes in 11 pieces total, not including the weapons.  They all go together very easily, and you don't have to worry about lots of crazy mould lines, etc.  I have a number of posts on how to build them, and some posts on how I created the additional armor side skirts.

When I created my video series, Secret Weapon products were a huge part of them!

This vehicle was featured in the Weathering and Battle Damage video.  Here's a preview:

I used the Secret Weapon powders were even used for a stand alone video, Painting with Weathering Powders:

There are a number of great terrain pieces that you can find on the Secret Weapon page, such as these pieces of terrain:

The new sandbags are also fantastic!

If you are interested in the videos, they are now available on this website via USB drives:

I have five of these RAV 6 x 6 vehicle painted up.  They were used for my Adepticon tournament army a few years ago.  One of them was even turned into an Exorcist tank!  I'm doing a new post on that project soon.

These next few shots offer a size comparison with a few different figures.  You can see that it matches up well with GW figures.

I have more of these vehicles which are being painted in more traditional schemes.  I am making a winter diorama and a desert diorama.

Many thanks again to Mr. Justin, who has created a huge line of products that make all the things that I do possible.  Just when I think that I have done everything I can, he creates a new product!  In fact, some wonderful new weathering products are coming from the evil Genius of Justin...

Stay tuned!!!!