So it's a straightforward question, with I suspect a rather difficult answer, but I'm going to ask it anyway. Is there a model out there, in your collection or on a wish list, that just ticks all the boxes - gives you a warm tingly feeling in your stomach (or other places) every time you see it?

I have lots of favourite models – the Tenderiser is the latest addition to the list – and all for different reasons. However, there are a couple that are particular favourites that I love to bits. But the question talks about a single favourite, so I'm forced to make a decision.

My overall favourite has to be Epic Lylyth from Hordes. It's an odd choice in one sense as I don't find the Privateer Press models that appealing as a collection, compared to some other manufacturers, but now and again they do deliver a corker.

I love the pose of the model and the movement. The Lylyth character herself has a great balance of sexy and deadly, but this incarnation takes things to a new level. The fact that she is blind (in the fluff, if I remember correctly) and has her eyes covered by a visor adds a extra bit of mystery to her character (and means I don't have to paint eye…yay!). Her pose also hints at a story unfolding – she's shooting at something behind her, seemingly on the defensive. From a gaming perspective her additional height makes it easier to draw line of sight to her, but there has to be a trade-off with the dynamic pose.

I do have this model in my collection but am embarrassed to say it's not painted!
The model itself, for such a large bit of metal, is balanced on a plastic base and aside from a pin in her bow arm (no brainer given its exposed and vulnerable nature) the model went together easily. I love the detail on her armour and the shape of her cloak. Cracking model all round and one that gives me a warm tingle of admiration (and guilt at not painting mine) every time I see it.

So what's your favourite miniature?

Let me know in the comments below and I'll post a few of them in a follow up. I'm interested to see how people's opinions differ and am intrigued if it's down to the the type of wargames you play, whether you simply paint, or some other factor that may contribute to which miniatures people admire most.