Hi All,

Welcome to announcement post for Code40k's third December event.  For the last two years we have run an event in December to help motivate us all to get stuff painted.  Two years we ran the Dread-Full December event.  The final post is here if you are interested in seeing some great painted dreads.

Last year we ran forgemas an event aimed at getting us painting various forgeworld stuff we own. This year we have decided to go for Ho Ho Ho Horus Heresy.  Well the title gives it away needless to say most of the code40k line up have bought stuff to play Horus Heresy only after a couple of years adult life has really prevented it!

So for this years December event we decided to focus in on Horus Heresy.  So watch out for various building and painting posts on heresy over the coming month.  At the end of the month I will post up the completed projects and we can all vote for our favourite.

I have already began the process with some deathguard and will share my progress soon.

Happy December all and Code40k guys get going lol!


DOC out