I have to say that the plastic Cataphractii pattern Terminators are just as pleasing as the plastic Marines in Power Armour. GW did a marvelous job here. Yet I have to point out that it is (in my opinion) utterly important to give them a little twist to make sure that their universal look gets a bit modified towards their Legion’s look. That’s why I did not glue the little shield on my Terminators. I think that looks more like Imperial Fists or something in that vein. Then I attached a chain blade to the Storm Bolter to copy the look of the Justaerins’ weapons. Also I made a resin copy (my first try by the way) of the Justaerins’ shoulder icon. The last little extra was a small ball of green stuff on the Marine’s belt buckle.
A couple of days ago I went to my local Games Workshop in Leverkusen. The shop’s owner David was kind enough to play the first mission with me. As I brought my Sons of Horus and he played the Ultramarines we neither had “Betrayal at Calth” nor “Betrayal at Isstvan III”. It was “Betrayal at Molech” instead, hehe. It’s very fortunate to rely on an ever-growing background as you’ll always have a good excuse for your Marines to cross their blades.
This match was a real blast! I am looking forward to play the missions with Flattervieh and his World Eaters. Maybe we’ll even see some more Veterans for the game from other Aleatores aswell. Due to the fact that you basically share most of the stats like Initiative the game’s rules are quick to learn. Yet there are some nifty tricks you can use to tease your enemy. Like I almost didn’t make it in time to the closing safety door because David put Bolter fire on my squad thus stealing my badly needed action points. Oh, and the rocket launcher was really effective that day. Don’t let someone fire with a rocket at you when you are on open ground with no cover at all. Your regular 40K-routine “no problem – I don’t need cover as I have my power armour” is not valid here (which I think is great).