Hey guys! I picked up a Frontline Gaming Fat Mat last week in the 20% off black Friday sales and couldn’t resist rolling it out last night! I went for the industrial mat (http://eustore.frontlinegaming.org/fat-mat%3A-industrial-6x4/dp/66)  to add a bit of 40k/futuristic twist to my gaming mat (growing!) collection. I now own one mat from each of the main gaming mat manufacturers all in mousepad material and can definitely recommend Frontline gaming as the best. The mat is slightly thicker and more sturdy/rigid, also the print quality is better too. In terms of packaging/storage the FATMAT came in very professional looking zip up black carry case. While a cardboard tube is a bit easier to fill/pack up it certainly doesn’t look as good and isn’t as easy to carry when transporting. One of the other manufacturer’s (deep cut studios) bags is particularly difficult to pack and has already ripped.

Regardless however I also picked up a Mantic games Urban Quadrant for a steal off ebay so will be painting that up (along with the rest of my necrons!) over the next few weeks in the Xmas Holidays. Ive decided to go with a Metal Gear Solid 2: Big Shell colour scheme for my parts, a really cool pastel orange, some cream detailing, dark metal and some brown battle damage/rust. Ive found a few pictures of what im going for below so check them out and let me know what you think. I think it should look really cool with the mat designs.

I will also be grabbing some more MDF futuristic style terrain in the new year to complement my board. I’m thinking shipping containers and an abandoned freight train and some small scatter generators/oil barrels! This should leave me with a super dense board for 30k, 40k, zone mortalis and Infinity (when I get around to actually learning the game lol!).