Ah, Krampusfest!

Last weekend marked the sixth year we have celebrated our new favorite holiday, and the celebration was grand indeed!  Friends old and new pitched in to make it one of the biggest Krampusfests we've ever had, and I want to take a moment to thank everyone who came out to make it so.  The girls especially worked really hard at all the grub and presentation and lent a gravitas to the situation that could not be denied.

"It's dangerous to go alone. Take this..."
We marked the festivities with a grand feast, as per usual.  This year were the proverbial Indian Tacos (sic) and a plethora of other goodies.  There was even vegetarian fare, as has been the custom the last few years.  We asked folks to stop by our photo booth, and nearly 200 pictures were taken last Sunday.  We'll show a few here, mostly because I'm lazy.

The 'Whovian' Delegation, after swapping super-deformed Time Lords.
This year has been a marker for Krampusfest, not the least of which being the release of a new movie.  I haven't gotten to see it yet, but I hear good things.  The pop-culture mainstream is catching on to Krampus, and we couldn't be happier.

We're considering putting together a podcast for the community, and right now we're exploring how to best expand our horizons.  We've got some definite goals for the near future, and we'll talk about that at a later date, but the short of it is that the format of the club is going to change to something far more dynamic than the hermitage it has been the last year.  It's time to branch out!

"In this general direction.  Here.  Over yonder."
The fun and festivities carried on into the night.  There was such good fun and cheer in the air that no one even noticed we weren't playing any games.  That's right - nary a single die was rolled this Krampusfest, for everyone could not stop eating (even for one round of combat).  That's how you know we're doing it right.

To everyone who came out, to everyone who helped organize, and especially to those who helped prepare the feast, let me give a collective "Thank You!" on behalf of the entire club.  Every year you've outdone yourselves and this year is no different.  I really felt the energy and enthusiasm welling up in everyone despite there not being any games this Krampustag.  I know my own drive to game and complete projects has been ramped up to a new degree, and new projects are in the works!

Though the roster and games may change, Krampusfest is our yearly reaffirmation of our community and club-spirit.  It's absolutely essential for the club to celebrate this holiday, and now I think it's more than just a quirky ritual.  It's become part of the Wargate tradition.  Who knows what Krampusfest 2016 will hold?