
As you may have heard in the news, it’s been a bit wet here in Lancashire. Not ideal weather for priming models. However, I have been braving flooding and power cuts and managed to get some models converted.

The models were inspired by Nicolas Grillet’s excellent Adeptus Mechanicus warband. While I have used different parts for my models, I have tried to keep the same kind of feel. The models are a mix of Skitarii parts which I bought a while back as a source of parts for my Inq28 projects and the Dark Vengeance cultists. They are supposed to represent Necromunda pit slaves but I have re-imagined them in line with the newer Adeptus Mechanicus aesthetic. I think of them as an Adeptus Mechanicus indentured labour forceĀ  made up of hardened criminals sentenced to a lifetime of servitude in the mines and other lowlifes and unfortunates who were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time and fell victim to unscrupulous slavers. The tech priests have augmented their bodies with mechanical mining equipment which, now that they have escaped bondage, comes in pretty handy as rudimentary weapons.




These are the first three models finished but I have a number of others who are awaiting a bit of green stuff. I hope to share these with you soon.