Well, they promised it would be here before Christmas and they lived up to their word. Cool Mini Or Not delivered the box set of Zombicide:Black Plague yesterday – the first instalment from the summer Kickstarter.

It's Zombicide alright, but not as we know it!

I opened the box and had a quick rummage around. It all looks very similar to the original, I just get the impression they've improved things across the board. The dashboards look great and the associated colour-coded pegs and base covers look really useful. But enough about that… what about the models?!

They definitely seem to have improved things in the last few years – these models have tonnes of detail on them and are just begging to be painted. Whether it'll be enough to get me to paint them is another matter, but we will see.

They are very nice though.

No doubt there will be games played over the Christmas holidays…