Hello all, Mike here, picking up the reins for the latest painting challenge.

So New Year means new beginnings and perhaps new hobby beginnings. With that in mind the final Painting Challenge of the year will be very simple. You have until January 18th to paint any model you want. 

There are no restrictions, other than it should be from a new project, perhaps something you've been meaning to get to for a while or a technique you've been wanting to try. Now is the time to give it a shot and share your enthusiasm.

Plan  is as follows:

  • Paint any model you want, from scratch, from Hobbit to Warlord Titan. 
  • Submit anytime from now until Januray 18th by DM-ing @stuntymike on twitter with your pictures, and a few words as to why you've chosen that model.
  • Each entrant gains one vote (vote by saying your choice as a comment in the wrap up post) and innocent bystanders can vote too as long as they state their twitter or forum handle.
  • I will create a Voting blog post on the 19th January with pictures and names of the entrants. 
  • In honour of Rich every model with purple heather on the base will automatically receive one vote!

We want to see what your excited about and what you can do with it, so get painting!

Let me know if you are interested in joining or have any suggestions, please sign up below (as a comment) or tweet me if you want to get involved. Please tweet with the hashtag #PaintingChallenge #NewYearNewHobby Hope you guys like the idea! 

For my own part I'm going to crack into my Norse for Darklands, one of these fellas I think.

What will you do?

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