So, what is the Spider-Man Miniature Game?

The Spider-Man Miniature Game (or SMG) is a new release from Knight Models.

The game is 'skirmish' level which means you are only ever going to be playing with about 3-10 models a side. Quick and easy to pick the models up and get them ready for some games.
The victory conditions also make for interesting games as they work on scenarios and objectives. So even if you lose your main 'supers' you can still be in with a chance of claiming the game.

The rules are more of an extension for the Batman Miniature Game then a full set of rules. You WILL need the Batman rules to play but they are altered a little with a free download HERE which changes the objectives and adds some new Traits.

Based in the Marvel comics universe, the SMG focuses on the lower and street level Heroes and Villans and they people that back them up.
You get to play as Spiderman, Green Goblin, Punisher and more while others support them like Goblin Henchmen, SHIELD agents or Hydra goons.

Once you have you Heroes, Villains and Support, you will need a play to play them.
A 3 foot x 3 foot board with a range of terrain will give you the best games. You could theme this as the streets of New York, a villains hideaway, Spider Island or anything you want your teams to fight over. But, it will need multiple levels and heights. Without them, what is the Goblin going to fly around or Spidey going to climb and swing from?

Talking of flying and climbing, that is one of the best features of the game. Every model comes with a stat card that has it's own skills and abilities on. Action Counters can be 'spent' on the card to make them pull off some very characterful and cinematic feats like use  the Green Goblins pumpkin bombs while flying past or dodging them with Spidey's Spider Sense.

I hope this has helped a little bit for those that want to know more about the game.
If you have any quesions, just drop them in the comments below.

Next, we will have a look a at the rules and some of the Traits.
- Hendybadger