Today we introduce the Orc team from RN Estudio.

Here's a link to the website:

Let's start with the biggest of the big... the baddest of the bad.  Mr Troll!

No Orc team is complete without Black Orcs!!

How about some blitzers!!

I still like to toss the ball around, even when I'm playing Orcs, so I gotta have some throwers...

And then there's those old reliable linemen... or should I say cannon fodder!  Don't let them know...

Pesky little Goblins to hop over the line, sneak through a gap with the ball, or perhaps toss a bomb!  That outta clear a space!

This team is not without some serious star power, represented by these lads.

Just like the Lizardman team from a week ago, these are extremely well sculpted and cast!  It's very easy to prep them, with minimal mould lines and minimal individual parts.  In fact, nearly all of them are one piece casts, which is ideal for blood bowl!

Things get rough out there on the field, so we don't need lots of dainty pieces!!  Give these guys a try!