Hi everyone,

I have finally finished the Algoryn AI Assault Squad, except for he bases which I will do all in one go when all the force is painted up.

I had a small problem with this unit as I tried giving it a black oil wash which took several days to dry in this cold and humid weather.  The problem solved itself overtime and I quickly painted the last steps up to tabletop standard like the rest of the force.

I am quite happy with how they turned out.  On hindsight, I would have done things differently, but as they are only gaming pieces I tend not to care or fret much about how they turned out. As long as they are presentable, all is good.

I was currently working on the support troops, but instead of a brown enamel wash I gave them an enigine oil wash instead!  They ended up all glossy and sticky! I swear I did not notice what I was doing at the time.  Probaly because I as so tired out with work.

Anyway, putting aside all the bad luck I have had with these miniatures, I was determined not to waste time. So while I was cleaning these figures up with mineral spirits, I started working on the Algoryn AI Infiltrator Squad.

These are the deadly females of Algoryn society and apparently they are no less dangerous or warlike than their male counterparts - cool!

I decided that I wanted a more military look as opposed to the paraphernalia style of the AI Line troops or the terror invoking aspect of the AI Assault troops. So I went with a military green.  I think that it will suit their style of combat on the tabletop. I will have to see if they work or not.

Well, that is all for the first post of 2016.  Hopefully I will be back with the support troops next post.  So farewell and good health to one and all from your friendly neighbourhood modeller and gamer,
