The 1st Company of the Sons of Horus showed great variety. Small in number it contained two distinct sub formations: the Justaerin Terminator squads formed one part and the Catulan Reaver assault squads the other. Both sported the black armour worn only by this elite company and each was led by a captain under the overall command of the First Captain. Used in combination the 1st Company exemplified Horus’ predilection for precise and overwhelming attacks against strategic targets.

A new hobby year is upon us and the Aleatores already agreed on the club’s first event. We would like to go for a Horus Heresy Kill Team day with slight modifications. This time each player gets 300 points to spend on his favoured Legion. As you might know the Legions’ special units are quite expansive thus giving us this idea.

I’m sure that most of our readers already noticed that I tend to start dozens of different armies but not for the Horus Heresy. Strange indeed yet I think the main reason is that there is still so much left what I would love to do with my Sons of Horus. A Reaver attack squad was one of those things. When I read this one here there was no turning back! As Grael Noctua led a jump pack attack against the imperial lines I was finally sold.
I could have gone green on them aswell as there were Reaver squads later during the Horus Heresy which hailed from other companies. But as I already have some Justaerin here I thought that I could go for the classic Catulan Reavers aswell. And even if I don’t enjoy painting black that much I like the look pretty much.

The description of the Reavers says that accordingly they were favoured with the finest arms and wargear the Warmaster could provide. So even if I had 300 points to spend the squad remains quite small as every marine carries pricey equipment. We’ll see how this will turn out…

The first Catulan Reaver - the squad's Sergeant Atral Carr.

The first Catulan Reaver – the squad’s Sergeant Atral Carr.

Of course I am working with magnets again. They might want to wear regular back packs one day.

Of course I am working with magnets again. They might want to wear regular back packs one day.

And that's the rest of the Kill Team. I hope to get them done in two bigger painting steps.

And that’s the rest of the Kill Team. I hope to get them done in two bigger painting steps.