In general, it was quite an easy job. The left side of the models were given a coat of Averland Sunset, followed by Flash Gitz Yellow, a brown wash, and more Gitz to tidy up.
To help make the blue pop some more, it got a glaze of Guilliman Blue. This helped shade the model and really does help to show off the details of the Forge World parts. The next step on these guys is to reapply the logo, now in blue.
Another change I made was putting the models on 32mm bases. But rather than rip them off and repase them, I had a convenient set from my Christmas haul: a set of Tabletop Adaptors from Bitzbox, which offer an easy way to make 25mm into 32mm.
The adaptors went on without a hitch, and although a bit of liquid greenstuff if needed to fill in the gaps, it's a far easier way to re-base Marines, and cuts out the risk of damaging models. With a bit of paint, the adaptors blended in well with the original base work.
As usual, keep up to date on Facebook and Twitter, and I'll be back next week with more chaotic goodness.