Armillus Dynat, the Harrowmaster of the Alpha Legion, has been a feared strike commander since his name came to prominence during the invasion of Paramar. Known to possess strategic genius, his style of warfare is as intricate as it is unorthodox. Using fast moving, heavily armoured vehicles and close air support, he will split enemy formations apart before crushing them without mercy.
Armillus Dynat is an expert duellist and warrior in his own right. Wielding a thunder hammer and power sword in unison and carrying uncommon wargear such as venom spheres and phosphex bombs, he is an opponent to be reckoned with.

If you would like to paint your own Alpha Legionnaire force check out this tutorial in the "Painting the Legions' section. 

Paints used: Vallejo, Reaper Master Series, Games Workshop Washes, Com Art Medea Airbrush Airbrush: Iwata Hi-Line HP-CH Airbrush Paint Brushes: Rosemary & Co. Raphael 8040, Broken Toad Brushes, Windsor and Newton Series 7