Long time since I posted anything on this blog, I have been using Instagram to share my hobby instead of this blog. But I have been painting and building terrain these past months and sitting down and write up a post and add pictures hasn't been top of my list.
Anyway, my latest terrain piece I have been working on is this ruined house, I was inspired by the PC game Mordheim, which I have been playing since it was released. So I was inspired by the game, ruined houses looks great and now when I play AoS and don't have block formations on the table I wanted to build a terrain piece that is usable as cover terrain for AoS and Mordheim.
The material I used were foamboard, coffee stirs, wall filler, sand, cardboard and matches and all is glued together with PVA glue and glue gun. So this is a WIP post, so the piece isn't painted yet but the build is, so enjoy.
Terrain – Ruined house WIP
by Freebooter Kash | Jan 14, 2016