
More than four years ago, we started a journey together.  We've done a lot of different games and settings, but historical games were a foreign entity to us until a few years ago.  Now I feel confident saying that Smokefall Ridge & The Indian Territory is one of our favorite campaign settings.

It's the blend of the wild west, The Twilight Zone, Tales from the Darkside, Tales from the Crypt, Outer Limits, etc...together with the wider World of Darkness mythos we all like.  However, when you blend all that with the added eeriness of the setting near our homes you get that sense of immersion that few other settings can match.  Tapping into this was the lucky strike of this game, and I can't tell you all how good it makes me feel that you have enjoyed your time with this one.  I worked hard on this one, and it has really paid off in terms of how everyone has truly become invested in the game and the ongoing story of the Settlements.

We had never done a wild west game, but from the very beginning it was something everyone was interested in.  Originally, it may have been out of my comfort zone, and when originally writing the setting I questioned my understanding and portrayal of several points.  Practice makes perfect though - and now I feel as home as Storyteller for the Territory as I do as Dungeon Master for Castle Greyhawk.  That's not a boast I could level at many other settings...Smokefall Ridge has become a real place for me.

 I'd like to thank everyone for allowing me to take the club into an area unfamiliar to it at the time.  I did my research however, and everyone's portrayals of their characters has added a lot to the sessions.  We don't often have time or inclination to roleplay in D&D like we do in WoD...the situations and approach to the game just don't lend themselves to that level of interaction.  However, I'd like to tell you guys how much I enjoy watching your characters interact with each other - the roleplay level in WoD, and the lines that are delivered by the troupe literally make this my favorite weekly black comedy.

Check out the Chronicle page for No Oath, No Spell, available on the nav-bar at the top of the page.  Season 1, 2016 lasts four months, until May 1st.  So, there's about three and a half months of play time for Smokefall Ridge before we complete a four and a half year story cycle.  Congratulations, Gatekeepers ... some of these characters may yet see the Honor Roll!