Ok. Got my trolls started and working on getting the bastards painted. Time to get some practice in with them.
First game was a battle box matchup against Retribution. I had:
He had:
Seeing as how we weren't playing a scenario and he out gunned me, I lost this one pretty straight out. I did learn a lot about the fury mechanic and using it was a lot easier than I had originally thought. This brings me to one of the problems I have with the game. Some of the battle boxes for the Journeyman leagues are highly unbalanced. The Khador box for instance, is very strong. With Sorscha's feat freezing what little army you have to begin with, it's all downhill from there. Balance that against Madrak's feat, which basically does nothing in those point levels of games. There are alternate lists for the league and I'll be looking into the Doomshaper list as I don't think Madrak can compete at that point level.
Game two was against a Mercs list.
I brought:
Slag troll x4
Storm Troll x3
Pyre Troll x3
Winter Troll
Krielstone bearer and Stone scribes
Stone scribe elder
I was up against:
Ashlynn D'Elyse
Anastasia di Bray
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution
Gorman di Wulfe
Doc Killingsworth
Reinholdt, Gobber Speculator
Rhupert Carvolo
Savio Montero Acosta
Ogrun Bokur
Lady Aiyana and Master Holt
Greygore Boomhowler & Co.
Horgenhold Forge Guard
So basically a shit ton of solos and a couple of units.
Roll for deployment and I chose to go first. I put out my KSB unit, Calandra and rune bearer and that's it. Her tier list allows for advance deploy of all 11 of my beasts which really helped me to line up my beasts better on his line.
Game start and.........I have no clue what the hell I'm doing. I know Boomhowlers are assholes, Eiryss is a bitch and Gorman is a dick. That's about all I knew about his list. I walked up first turn and made my first two mistakes, which was I should have ran everyone forward and I didn't position my runebearer correctly. He has to activate before Calandra if I want anything out of him and I had him positioned behind her instead of in front. So if I wanted his ability, I couldn't move.
This was a very long match and I don't have all the details in my head so I'll skip most of the boring stuff and hit the highlights. My slag troll took out half of the Mules systems with just his shooting, yeah, they rock. My storm trolls arced lightning into his caster taking her to half health, my winter troll took out the Ogrun Bokur and put a hurt on his objective and my pyre trolls ended up taking out all his Forge guard. In the end he had The nearly dead Mule, Rocinante (hurt but still functioning) his caster and like two of his solos left. I had all 3 Pyres (very nearly dead), all 3 storms (relatively unhurt) a fresh Slag, my rune bearer and Calandra but I lost on control points. My conclusion in all of this? EE is really, really powerful. Playing 11 points up on your opponent is quite an advantage, which sounds like a duh statement until you see just what a massive advantage it is. This list isn't unbeatable by any stretch of the imagination, but it did let someone who's brand new to the game nearly pull out a win even after massive mistakes. That's crazy. I'll be using this in tourneys and saving my fun games for other lists as this was not fun to play against for him.
Trolls games 1 and 2
by FunDave | Jan 15, 2016