Hey folks, I'm dleighted to unveil the entrants for the sixth painting challenge. The standard is ludicrously high, and so is the height of some of the models, so good luck deciding who you're going to vote for! Thanks to everyone for their entries and their enthusiasm, it's been exciting to see so much hobby going on.

Anyway now for the voting, very simple: Choose your favourite (hard part!), tweet your vote to me (@stuntymike or as a comment to this blog post. One vote per person please and no self voting ;) Voting will close at 2359 BST on Monday the 25th of January. Shameless self promotion and bribes are recommended and encouraged!

DISCLAIMER: Please contact me ASAP if anything is wrong, I have missed your entry.

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Mike Callaghan

 I decided to paint Gamla Bror from Darklands Norse faction. I just loved the model and wanted to make a start on my Norse. It was also very different to most of what I've painted up until now so I wanted a different challenge.

Kev Low

Theoden King first model for my SBG Rohirrim . Dave Reid's excellent coverage of his Stirling Hobbit tournament got me going. Also, I like that with LOTR there is a fantasy background that GW can't f#ck up.

Rich Payne

I bought it and it looked pretty! Wanted to try a new big model to start the new year and kick start my Chaos AoS army!

Greig Summers

Been wanting to do a Black Templars army for a while. There's something about xenophobic, crusading knights that really appeals! I read Helsreach by Aaron Dembski-Bowden and it focused on Grimaldus. He came across as such a hardass, even by Black Templar standards. I had to have him lead my army.

Steve Wren

An epic journey in stubborness. Read more here:http://paint-hammer.blogspot.co.uk/2016/01/an-exercise-in-stubbornness-painting.html

Amy Snuggs

I think this was my favourite model I have ever painted! I have never really liked Chaos models, I have always painted the good guys, but this one just stood out instantly for me. It's a beautiful sculpt, so much lovely detail and I really wanted to spend my time on it and make it look the best I possibly could. I wanted it to be the best model I have ever painted and I honestly believe it is. I feel my painting has improved and I've learnt a lot just from painting him, it's been so much fun. I wanted to challenge myself, I used to always think I could never paint massive models and before I got him as a Christmas gift I was a bit daunted about the prospect of painting him and doing the beautiful model justice. I also used the opportunity to improve my blending and I'm really happy with how it came out in the sword and the horns. I leapt to the challenge and I'm so happy I did it because it was so much fun painting him and I'm so happy with how he turned out! 😄

Joe Ward

Evil sunz logo long oop from forgeworld. Just because. Ork fan, looked fun, picked it up cheap! Something utterly different

Dave Reid

Few reasons why I chose Legolas to paint. 
1. I wanted to add him to my Grey Company force 2. He's one of my favourite LOTR characters 3. He was the first LOTR hero I painted in 2006 so wanted to see how much I'd improved in 10 years

Dave Fraser

Model is Gomagg by Mierce Miniatures, he's an Albainn Giant. The model stands about 8" tall so a bit of a beast, just thought he looked so awesome I really wanted to paint him up before the Metal Age KS turned up.


Darklands Vaak, never tried paining ice before, never used snow effects and first Mierce model I have painted

Rich (@gamingking1616)

New project for me after Xmas. Fed up with painting red or blue so tried greens. Always wanted one so got it for Xmas but thinking of doing 2 more for the detachment then maybe 2 others for the army. Got the painting scheme off of the freeblade game

Jonathon Chester

Stuart The Red

I had never painted any scenery before but had to build a realmgate for Tempest Crusade. Wanted something unique to my ogres...

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