In early fall of 2015 I noticed a new terrain company posting adds for display boards.  The company, Top Down Terrain, really drew my eye because the display boards in question offered up some pretty awesome scenic views that took into account bases too.  I quickly resolved to purchase one and spent some time assembling it after it arrived.  I planned to post a review of the project late last year but illness, holidays and such really soaked up most of my time.  Today, we'll take a look at one of these display board kits.  I'll go over what I consider the pros and cons of these display boards and 

I chose to purchase the Orion Tide display board as I felt it fit the spacecraft theme I've always wanted for my Nomads.  Top Down Terrain refers to them as stages and I feel that is very appropriate given the cinematic flare they add.  This does mean I will need to re-base my Nomads at some point, but I'm fine with that as I've been meaning to touch-up the models I've painted and my bases were never really "done" anyway.

Everyone notices the price point of the display boards first.  79.99 is pretty steep.  The shipping is also pretty expensive at roughly $14.  That might have changed since I purchased mine without the drawer.  I noticed the drawer itself cost roughly $9 to ship so shipping has likely gone up.

For $94 dollars you get a display board that can fit 2x 55mm bases, 5x 40mm bases, and 22x 25mm bases.  Each of these bases is etched with matching detail to the floor of the display board.  As of November, the display trays also come with a drawer that rests underneath the display board.  The board itself is loaded with detail etched into the MDF as well as some acrylic detail pieces to represent lights, video screens, etc.

For a price comparison I own a Broken Egg Games display board that I used previously.  It's pretty plain, no scenic display, requires slot expanders to fit any 5mm bases, but has room on the side for dice, tokens, rulers, etc.  Basic price for this setup is $55.  A pack of 2 base extenders will run $10.  Shipping from them to me is roughly $18.  So for $15 more in base price I get a scenic display that also includes bases.  Suddenly the price doesn't seem too bad.

The layout of bases should cover most armies, but, I can think of a few factions or specific loadouts where the current base breakdown won't fit on the provided base slots.  So buyer beware that these trays will likely see different mileage based on faction and preferred playstyle.  For me, I play infantry heavy Nomads and this layout works fine.  Consider what you enjoy playing before investing.

The trays are new and thus I haven't really used mine much.  It can fit pretty much everything from the heavy flamer template, tokens, small tape measures, and even other tools from companies like Broken Egg Games, Micro Art, etc.

Assembly takes a little time but it went pretty smoothly for me.  The instructions leave much to be desired but they do at least show where the pieces go.  I would have liked a little more detail and make a real product used in the instructions as opposed to a 3D render.  I talked with the owners after assembling mine and they really want to post some videos when they have time.

Because of the multi-layer approach Top Down Terrain took in designing these display boards they are incredibly sturdy.  The drawer takes away from the sturdiness a little but the design is solid, the supports well distributed, and as long as it is assembled properly the board and tray are sturdy and should survive the usually bumps and knocks and maybe even the occasional hard landing.

One of the biggest tips I have for people assembling the kit is to sane the edges of the bases a little as well as the holes for the bases.  This is possible only prior to assembly and will help the bases fit a little more loosely so that they aren't getting stuck and ripping off of the miniatures.  Without this the bases fit VERY snugly.  

Customer support for Top Down Terrain is fantastic.  I talked to Natalie several times via e-mail and she was always polite, courteous, and responsive.  She took the criticism well and mentioned what they were doing to fix the issues I relayed.  She was delighted to hear feedback on what could improve the product and, they prove they listen to their customers that is where the drawer came from.

You want customer service?  Imagine coming home from work one day with a package from Top Down Terrain.  I knew I hadn't placed an order with them so I was curious what it could be.  I opened it up and they shipped one of the new drawers (now included with every display board)!  Completely free of charge!  Now that shows me they are interested in their customers and want a good experience for everyone.

Overall, I love my new display board.  The cost is steep but as long as you are comfortable assembling MDF the assembly isn't complex and the board is very sturdy.  The instructions are my primary complaint now that they made the drawer.  My other lingering thought would be base loadouts.  I'd like to see them offer a few different layouts for each stage that mix up how many of each base sizes is available and arranged  This would allow for biker heavy armies or  a remote heavy army on them.

Would I recommend them for everyone?  No.  They are pricey.  They require assembly.  They may not fit your "ideal" army loadout depending on faction.  I would recommend that everyone check them out and ask yourself if you have the budget for such a niche item, the skills to assemble it, and whether the base situation would work for you.

The final product is fantastic and completely blew me away once assembled.  As a note, I reversed my board on accident.  I dry fit it like usual but I spun around the walls after I set the board down.  The result is that I have two 25mm bases in the front corners that otherwise would be in the back corners.  A little awkward but workable.

I plan to buy some more bases for all of my nomads but also a blank set so I can fill in open inserts wherever I don't plop minis down.  I'm also planning on magnetizing the bases for a little extra durability.

I am very eager to try out the rest of Top Down Terrain's products.  I already have plans for the other display board and I want to purchase their scatter and buildings too.  Go!  Check them out!  You won't regret it at all!