Here's the first of my 3 Storm Trolls for my EE list. Yes, I'm still building it cause I haven't had a chance to see how it's going to effect me in my meta.
Storm trolls are a light warbeast that have an electric shot that leaps to d3 targets within four inches of the original target. It's animus lets it give immunity to electricity and electroleap to a melee weapon. Like the rest of the lights it's RAT is kinda on the low side, but the d3 leaps hit automatically. Hitting something then having it arc to some high DEF low ARM solo is a thing of beauty cause then you hit auto and can boost the damage. It's one of the trolls included in the Doomshaper alternate box and it's easy to see why.
Again, another model that I'm rather pleased with how he turned out. This faction is really testing my meager skills as a painter and it's going to have a positive end result.
This may be my last set for a while. I'm moving on to the Krielstone bearers unit and that will take me a while to do.
Thunder Struck
by FunDave | Jan 20, 2016