Hey guys, just chucking up a post of some awesome imperial fist images I found while trawling google to give me some inspiration for my 30k army due to be started soon :) I'm going to try and take some of the ideas from each of the below and meld together for my force. Pretty happy with how the basing came along on the two praetors I did a month ago and I'm happy with my yellow technique.
  • So learning points from the pictures, decent sized areas of black break up the yellow well.
  • Black helmets for some of the infantry will look good.
  • White helmets for the veterans/sergeants seems a good idea
  • Red Helmets for the Veteran/Terminator sergeants also looks good
  • Blue is a the correct energy/light colour to contrast with the scheme.
  • Might steer away from green in my pallet... need to decide what colour to paint the wreathes on a lot of the models?
  • Hazard stripes/checkers look good, will dot this in as and where to denote separate units or specific models/cowling. 
  • The inverted silver/yellow scheme does look amazing (see Lil Legend Sigismund below) but does it break up my scheme too much? The templar brethren and Sigismund would be the only models painted like this?
  • I need to man up and do weathering on the tanks and dreadnoughts!
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