Nick speaking,

Following on from my previous post where I talked about my good buddy Aceface and his journey to the Las Vegas Open this year. We have planned a practice game to get him in tip top condition with his fantastic Tau army, as he takes the road to what is going to be an amazing event. Of course, I am going to do my best to test him and his army commanding skills the best I can, and for this I need to make a few extra models!

No points for guessing what new formation I am going to take in my ITC rules restricted list! The Destroyer Cult Formation, It looks like a lot of fun, and I really want to get away from the Canoptek Harvest route that I usually play. More on that in another post when I go over my full list, but until then I need to get these painted! Oh and if your wondering what the two Deathmarks are doing there, I will be painting them up at the same time as I was given a couple of them from another YouTube friend of mine cruorangelussilicis

More to come very soon...