Battle Report: Chaos Marches to War and Returns with Support

Saturday my FLGS held a 1,650 Warhammer 40K tournament, and I had brought along my Chaos Space Marines, Disciples of Twilight. It’s a list I had been practicing with for the better part of the previous four weeks. I set myself the task of sticking with a list, refining it, but not changing it completely week-to-week as I’m prone to do. The list I brought was this.

Disciples of Twilight (Chaos Space Marines): 1,650

  • Maelstrom (Sorcerer) – Psyker (Mastery Level 3), Combi-bolter, Force Weapon, Terminator Armor, Spell Familiar


  • Vengeance (Chaos Space Marines) x 5 – Veterans of the Long War, Plasma Gun

    • Aspiring Champion – Melta Bombs, Combi-plasma
    • Rhino – Dozer Blade
  • Redemption (Chaos Space Marines) x 5 – Veterans of the Long War, Meltagun
    • Aspiring Champion – Melta Bombs, Combi-melta
    • Rhino – Dozer Blade
  • Cultists x 10 – Autoguns, Flamer
    • Cultist Champion – Shotgun

Fast Attack

  • Spawn x 2 – Mark of Nurgle
  • Spawn x 2 – Mark of Nurgle
  • Spawn – Mark of Nurgle

Heavy Support

  • Forgefiend – Ectoplasma Cannon x 3
  • Devastation (Obliterators) x 3 – Mark of Nurgle
  • Havocs x 10 – Veterans of the Long War, Autocannon, Missile Launcher x 3
    • Aspiring Champion – Melta Bombs


  • Mayhem Pack

    • Deathcry (Helbrute) – Power Fist, Missile Launcher
    • Hellscream (Helbrute) – Power Fist, Multi-melta
    • Helbrute – Power Fist, Multi-melta

Tournament Results

I’m just going to glaze over the tournament; it was a rough day for Chaos.

Continue reading Battle Report: Chaos Marches to War and Returns with Support at Creative Twilight.