Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

So last night Scott and I managed to get two games of X-wing in! I have been getting into the game a lot more recently and really love it. Really simple yet deep system with the added geek excitement of flying STAR WARS spaceshipz about and yelling pew pew angrily at your dice/opponent/plastic toy.

Scott and I are just starting out playing it but are starting to get a hang of the mechanics (still not used asteroids lol) and I have been (typically!) getting balls deep on the list building side of things and have been enjoying that a lot! 

Last night we played very different lists with me going for a relatively swarmy rebel 5 ship list and Scott going super elite with two ships

Rich BXXYY - 100pts

B wing, Blue Squadron, Fire Control System
T70 Xwing, Blue Squadron, Targeting Astromech, Integrated Astromech
T70 Xwing, Blue Squadron, Targeting Astromech, Integrated Astromech
Z95 Head Hunter, Bandit Squadron
Z95 Head Hunter, Bandit Squadron

Scott -100pts
VT Decimator - Shiny Survivable Stuff
Tie Phantom - Stealthy Stuff

We played two games and I won the first blowing his decimator out of the sky on turn two with point blank shots from my whole fleet lol! I then spent 6+ turns hunting down the incredible Whisper (amazing ship!!)

The second game scott played a lot better and got the hang of things and destroyed me lol! One ship at a time he took me down!

Hoping to get a lot more games in and its great that the game can fit within a wee two hour slot as time gets more precious over the next year for both Scott and I!

Element Games - Wargaming Webstore