Jan. 24th, 9:20pm

From the Journal of Josephine Maxwell
December 23rd, 1875

Doc Jameson had just left the Yellow Rose when he found that a man with a gunshot wound and a stab wound had broken into his office.  The Doc patched him up and the man told him that "they" would be here soon.  The Doc came to tell us that the man was here, and what he had said.

We went to the Doc's office.  Soon a group of men rode in.  They were waiting outside the office so I walked out to greet them.  I invited them to have a drink, but they said they were busy.

The others from the group talked to the men.  The strangers insisted they were going to take the injured man with them.

Shortly thereafter, things take a more peaceful turn.  It's short lived, however.  The session ends with Mayor Juan Ortega sitting at a table with the leader of the strangers, reaching for a stick of dynamite the stranger placed on it.