Hello all, Mike here, announcing the latest painting challenge.

Most of us have a stack of unpainted models in a box that we've had for years, we've always meant to paint them but we just haven't quite found time. If not then there's surely a model out there that you've always wanted to buy and paint but never have?

Well in either case now's your chance! We want you to paint that model you've always wanted to paint but never have, whether it's been lying in the attic for 20 years or that you've been gazing longingly at for a while, face pressed up against your computer monitor, drool dribbling down your face.

There are no other restrictions on game system or type of model so fire away! We're looking forward to seeing what gets pulled out of the darkness and into the light.

Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

Plan  is as follows:

  • Paint any model you want, from scratch, from Hobbit to Warlord Titan. 
  • Submit anytime from now until March 15th by DM-ing @stuntymike on twitter with your pictures, and a few words as to why you've chosen that model.
  • Each entrant gains one vote (vote by saying your choice as a comment in the wrap up post) and innocent bystanders can vote too as long as they state their twitter or forum handle.
  • I will create a Voting blog post on the 16th March with pictures and names of the entrants. 

We want to see what your excited about and what you can do with it, so get painting!

Let me know if you are interested in joining or have any suggestions, please sign up below (as a comment) or tweet me if you want to get involved. Please tweet with the hashtag #PaintingChallenge Hope you guys like the idea!