Hey True Believers!
Slight change of plan today. Where I was going to look at the stat cards, they have needed a few tweaks so today is Factions and Team Building.
Factions and Alignments
Each character in the Marvel Universe Miniature Game belongs to one of more Factions.
These, at release are Superhuman (Avengers), Mutant (X-Men) and Cosmic (Guardians)
As well as a Faction each model also has an Alignment. Hero, Villain or Neutral.
These are show on the stat cards as symbols with either different backgrounds. For example, An X on a green background is Mutant Hero.
Team Building
Building a Team for the MUMG is really easy.
To start of with you need to know the Level of the game you are playing. Usually 30-50. This will either be set by the scenario or decided between the players.
Each character has a Faction, Alignment and Level on their card.
You can take characters whose Levels add up to the total scenario size and all share the same Faction and Alignment. Neutral character can be taken by both Heroes and Villains
Models that share the same 'true' name can not be taken more than once. Ironman Mk7 and Ironman Mk 44 are both Tony Stark so you can only take one or the other.
Peter Parker and Miles Morales as two Spider-men would be fine though as they are different People.
(Examples may or may not appear in game)
Lets try a quick team using the X-Men above
Game Level: 30
Faction: Mutant
Alignment: Hero
Level 7 Mutant / Hero
Level 7 Mutant / Hero
Level 8 Mutant / Hero + Superhuman/Hero
Level 8 Mutant / Neutral
(These may not be the final levels etc)
Any questions?
Let us know below.
Until next week......
- Hendybadger