Really feeling the stress on steampunk Leia. Needed to have some fun so I painted a mini with my wrong hand. Eyes above more after the jump...
So, why the hell would you want to do this? Well, It's fun. I've been watching a lot of drawing videos on YouTube and they have all kinds of fun challenges and I felt I was getting all full of myself and artistic and preachy. So I started a WIP thread on CMON if anyone is interested in joining:
If you don't want to join on CMON, do one on your blog and post it! Basically it's a way to blow off steam and have little laugh at our hobby and maybe not take our painterly selves so seriously. This is the first of many just for fun challenges I'll be doing this year. Okay, back to the wrong handed painting!
I'm doing hard to reach details first as I have little to no fine motor control with my right hand - did I mention? I'm a lefty :)
My rough attempt at NMM Gold (because this challenge wasn't hard enough already and I'm a sadist apparently) and the rubber tubes and joints...
Then the armour. Here is where the lessons started. I thought I would just zenithal prime, glaze layers over the mini and thanks to the preshading I would be done.
Well that lack of motor control really screws with that. It took forever and looked like all kinds of crap. Tide marks and brush strokes and just really uneven and hard to control. I should have just used wet on wet. Teachable moment ;)
Time to use washes to fix this, right?
Well, it doesn't make me want to puke! Good from far, but far from good - perfect for tabletop!
I think red, white & NMM metal was next - again, sadist apparently :(
Oh and the purity seal and leather...
Then back to the eyes, which may have been covered by blue ink at some point, you know, due to the LACK OF FINE MOTOR CONTROL! WHY AM I DOING THIS??!!! FUN!!! WHAT?! NO!
I'm okay.
Mustn't forget those shoulder rims - which mark him as one of the reserve companies 7th? 6th, maybe? God, it's all a blur- a rage fueled blur...
I'm fine.
Want to see the final mini? A table top mini like this I can crank out in 40 min- 1 hour with my left hand. Using my right hand took 6-8 hours!!!!
Not too shabby, eh? Terrible contrast, sloppy brushwork, but it can be done - and only at the cost of my sanity!!!
Anyone gonna try it? It's fun, I swear -_-
*** Speaking of painting... Another seminar has been announced here in Toronto with Fernando Ruiz! So if you missed the last one: Sign up now!***
Next post: More distractions and maybe even some progress on steampunk Leia! Thanks for checking out my corner of the web and remember; you can't spell paint without a little pain :)
Challenge: Painting With Your Wrong Hand
by Zab | Feb 12, 2016