While I'm busy working on a new Space Wolves website, I felt that now would be a good time to tell you about some of the brilliant blogs on the blogroll.

I've noticed that the blogosphere has been dwindling of late, but there are new and exciting blogs appearing all the time - and they need your support to keep their creators inspired and blogging!

The Convertorum


The Convertorum, ruled over by the twisted entity named Johan is a blog about the conversion and painting of tiny plastic miniatures.

The Convertorum is also a celebration of the the gothic, twisted and sometimes downright weird Warhammer universes and the fantastic art that has helped defined them.

Johan cobbles together incredible miniatures from a monstrous amalgamation of bits.

His macabre and characterful creations are simply stunning and exquisitely painted as well.

Battle Bunnies


For all your regular Forge World news and Forge World event coverage, Battle Bunnies is the blog you simply must visit.

I have no idea who runs it, but they also make all kinds of Horus Heresy conversions and miniatures.

Mostly, I follow it to keep up to date with all the Forge World stuff.

The site owner(s) attend all of the Forge World events and take lots of photos.

So I go here to get the latest info and all the best pictures of the new releases.

Castigator's Chaos


What's this? Someone playing a Chaos Space Marines army competitively!

Castigator's Chaos is a blog about a Slaaneshi army and its constant evolution while on the tournament circuit. It contains conversions and painting some commentary, but mostly battle reports as part of an ongoing campaign.

I played Castigator (aka: Gary) once upon a time, many years ago and got absolutely destroyed by his Sisters of Battle.

Gary was an absolute pleasure to play against and won my vote for best sportsman.

Creative Twilight


Much like Warpstone Flux, Thor's Creative Twilight is a neat blog which sometimes has some really good stuff.

But generally you'll find a mish mash of quality battle reports, musings and the occasional conversion.

Anyone else noticing a high volume of Chaos blogs in my blogroll?

Chaos Space Marines are a tough army to play these days.

But it seems that many people really love Chaos and are determined to do their best with them.

Terminus Est


A blog about competitive Warhammer 40K by the Black Blowfly (aka: Steve).

Because I have a responsibility to the online Space Wolves community to keep up with the Meta and ensure that my army lists are competitive, I try to follow as many of the competitive blogs as I can.

Steve does a great job commenting on the latest happenings on the global tournament circuit and writes some distinctly cheesy lists of his own.

His blog is definitely worth following if you're into competitive play - especially if you're the kind of guy who builds armies purely for short term competitive play.

"Let me know if any great 40K blogs I should be reading that aren't on my blogroll.
There are so many out there, sometimes the good ones get overlooked." - Adam