Pretty busy week, but I did manage to squeeze in a little painting time and whipped up a test model using the Cataphractii Praetor.

I'm really digging the metallic red scheme that Forge World has been showing off for their upcoming Thousand Sons line, but as there's still a fair number of models left over from the previous project  this army will continue to utilize the recipe I've used in the past. Just means that when I'm done with this army, I'll just have to sell it and immediately start a brand new one with the airbrushed metallic scheme, right?

Speaking of metallics, in retrospect I do feel I sort of phoned in the gold on the last army of Thousand Sons, so I'm going to be spending a bit more time on it in the new iteration. Pretty happy with the added depth it gives the gold on the terminator here. ...And I didn't totally botch a face for a change!

Going to try out the black-rimmed bases on this army instead of my usual reddish-brown, as it had been commented that it blended in with the reds of the models too much. It definitely does seem to make the model 'pop' a bit more than the previous efforts, which is nice. Still have some further detailing to do, as well as flocking and possibly adding some water effects as an experiment (never have tried it before), but overall I'm reasonably pleased with it so far!