It seems I've fallen behind on my "battle reports" if you can call them that. So, let's recap the last few weeks.
I had the opportunity to play a few small points games just to finish getting my feet wet. I played against Menoth twice and a mercs list once. I lost all three. This is just the latest in a long line of disappointing low point games. I seem to have no luck or skill in building lists suited for these matchups. I've said it before in other posts, and I'll mention it again, I just don't feel like the game is balanced at low point levels.
Last weeks game was a little more interesting, as my Gunnbjorn list made it's (proxied) debut.
Here's what I took
Captain Gunnbjorn
Rune Bearer
Dire Troll Bomber
Dozer and Smigg
Troll Impaler
Feral Geist x2
Max Croak Raiders x2
Dhunian Knot
Northkin Fire Eaters x2
His list: (as much as I can remember)
Goreshade 3
Darragh Wrathe
Scrap Thralls x3
Max Blackbane's Ghost Raiders
Max Soulhunters
That leaves 3 points unaccounted for, I just can't remember what it was.
I win the roll for first turn and take it. He puts his Kraken to the left of center. I deploy the knot, the beasts and gunny in the middle of my zone. He sets up the rest of his army with the Blackbanes going on the left, the soulhunters on the right and Goreshade directly in the middle. My advance deploy I put the fire eaters up in the center toward the zone and cover each flank with the croaks. My plan is to use the fire eaters to clear the zone in front, juggle snipe around on the croaks and use them to hurt his flanks. I have no real answer for the Kraken, I was just hoping to tie it up some.
My turn 1: I run everything but Gunny. He walks and puts snipe on the right side croaks, and puts a wall in front of the fire eaters for cover.
His turn 1: He moves up the Kraken and takes a pot shot at my fire eaters, misses, but still manages to take 3 points off the pyg buddy. Blackbanes run and spread out (explosivo makes my weapons magical AOE's and could put the hurt on them), Soul Hunters move up (and into a nice little line) and finally Goreshade himself moves up and into the zone casts occultation on the hunters and camps 4 focus.
This is where it gets interesting.
My turn 2: I see an opening to his caster and by all means I'm going to take it. First I move the fire eaters and try a trick they can do and light themselves on fire. They get +5 ARM against fire and boosted damage if they're on fire. So I have the pyg in the group do his charge move and use his assault ability to breathe fire on the other two guys. Roll to hit, hit. Roll for damage...... double 6's. Enough to kill him. Damn. And then I failed my tough roll. The other guy fared better and he managed to charge and assault the hunters and take out 3.Next, Gunny goes and casts snipe on the left flank croak raiders. The knot activates and casts puppet master on the croaks. Croaks, if you don't know already, have a two pronged way of attacking. One or more of them toss an oil gourd and gives the unit boosted damage rolls. If you throw the gourd, you can't use your flame darts however, and that makes perfect sense to me. Anyway. The gourd is 2 inches shorter range than the darts so one guy moves up, and hits dead on Goreshade. Now he's primed for damage. The next three shots I took were some of the hottest dice I've ever rolled. I threw a 15, a 15 and a 11 at dice -9. I used puppet master to reroll that last number as it wouldn't have been enough to kill him and get a 16. Goreshade dead, Troll victory!
So. Couple things about this game. I am not in anyway going to discount the amount of luck I had in that shooting round, or the mistake by my opponent to not hide his caster a little better. I'm really liking this list, but I still don't really know what it can do when the game gets down to the latter rounds. It's going to require some more testing, but it looks good so far. The Knot is an awesome support piece, and the Croaks under snipe are pretty heavy on the damage even on average dice. I didn't even get a chance to try Dozer or the Bomber but they look like a good pairing on paper.
Doing a little catching up.
by FunDave | Feb 16, 2016