John here and this post is all about The Fallen Princes expanding into YouTube. Some people hate it, some people like it, personally I like YouTube. Just like blogging, it is a place that I am free to express myself and my hobbies and watch others do the same. I have had the channel for a long time, but have never really done anything with it. Well that is all about to change with the purchase of a new camera. A Canon PowerShot Elph 160.
My working knowledge of cameras, doesn't progress far beyond pointing and shooting. I won't bore you with details. But basically it takes better photo's and can take video (as seen here Test Run). So with this equipment upgrade I am officially opening the YouTube channel.

If you could all be so kind as to follow it I would be ever so grateful. I'm hoping to fill it with content from board-games, eldar, Judge Dredd, beer and other hobbies. These may take the form of reviews, battle reports or me just rambling. If you don't wish to follow, that is also fine as the videos will appear here as well (there is no escape!). 

Here is my most recent video: A quick intro to my painted forces.

If anyone reading this has experience using YouTube and want's to part with some wisdom than please do, any and all feedback is welcome. Also if you want to contribute on here or youtube just get in contact, would love to fill this blog with content.