Time for another beer update. Today we look back at my favourite summer 2015 beer. I was lead to this beer by it's great can artwork. It really helped it standout on a crowded shelf. Limp Puppet by Great Lakes Brewery, is part of their Tank 10 range. The Tank 10 range is for when the brewers run wild, sadly they are produced in limited numbers and this one only lasted to the end of summer.


Name: Limp Puppet Session IPA
Brewery: Great Lakes Brewery (Toronto Canada)
Price: $2.80 (CAD)
ABV: 3.8%
Commercial Fluff: 
"Unfiltered, hazy and dull yellow with a snowy white head. Tropical and juicy hop profile dominates the aroma. White wine/grape musk, citrus rind (lemon) and a fresh tangerine. Passion fruit throughout. 
Light to medium body, more on the light side. Juicy and refreshing with a soft carbonation, which allows hop profile to emanate. Similar to aroma – passion fruit, soft touch of white wine notes and touches of lemon rind. Finishes dry with lingering tropical hop character. Good for hop heads and those looking for a lighter offering."

Own Opinion

Sight: Hazy golden colour
Aroma: Tropical all the way! Grapefruit & Passion fruit smells smack you in the face as you open the can.
Taste: Amazing. Mouth watering citrus hoppy taste, passion fruit, makes you want more and you can as it is only 3.8%. The tastes stays with you for a while, mouth still watering a good 10 minutes later. Epic!
Would I buy it again? YES! 

Since first trying it, it quickly became the first thing I looked for in the LCBO. Sadly it was only around for the summer :( I'm a firm believer in that something is only highly rated if your willing to spend money on it. Which I can safely say I rate this highly! I can only hope they re-release this beer again this summer, fingers crossed.

So what do you think of the beer? Have you tried it, do you want to try it? Drop a comment below and let me know. Until next time cheers.