Nick speaking,

Yes, that's right, the Webways are opening to let in a new army for IDICBeer, the Dark Eldar! Actually, this is part of a challenge that I am taking part in by Table Top Banter, to make a five hundred point army for just £25.00!

With the large model count needed to get to five hundred points with this non elite army, it certainly is going to be a challenge, but then, that is the fun part about it. So why Dark Eldar? Well, it is one of the very few armies I have never seen on the gaming table in my whole 40k 'career' for one, but also, it will make a nice bolt on allied detachment for my Eldar army too, so win win for me.

More to come once I have spent my £25.00, but if you fancy joining in, check out the challenge video here...