Getting things built on the Stronghold Terrain. Pretty cool looking building.
With it being a resin cast, I anticipated that some of the joins would be a little rough. They are actually not too bad.
After super gluing the walls to the base, I dug out the Apoxie Sculpt, and went to work filling gaps and reinforcing the joins. Below the gaps on this end of the base were a little much. I just filled that with some of the Apoxie Sculpt and hit it with a hard bristled tooth brush.
Below you can see the welding of the joins with the Apoxie Sculpt and super glue.
The roof is a bit more problematic, so I used a few pins and some more Apoxie Sculpt.
More on this project to follow.
Building the Dark Age Cottage
by PsychosisPC | Feb 27, 2016