Bonewhite highlight 1Bonewhite highlight 2Claws and hoovesAdrenal glandsTweak any fleshy bits [ie red bits and tongues]EyesandteethEyes on the Fleshborers too!Bonewhite chips on base- Edge base
- Varnish
- Glossy FXs and any blood
- Yellow flock
While I was at it I finished off the arms and torso on these five Stealers, just one brood of five left to basecoat with Bonewhite. On the plus side I've shaved off a day/session for each brood - a 33% time saving. Of course I didn't allocate time to some things and I've doubts on my estimates for others but we'll see how it goes.
I know this is more like a production line, that it's quantity over quality but progress has been so slow on all my other projects [or at least seems that way] it's great to switch it up a bit and crank these out. Hopefully I'll return to the Dark Angels with renewed vigour upon their completion.